Buy and Borrow
Realtors Favorite Tips for Buying or Selling a Home
October 29, 2018

Realtors are experts in buying and selling homes. Since they do it for a living, they have an inside scoop on what works best every step of the way.
We asked a team of Realtors from Suncoast Realty Solutions for their favorite tips for buying or selling a home. Let their expertise help make your journey easier and more successful!
Buying Tip #1: Get Preapproved for a Mortgage
“Get your financing preapproved before you start home shopping,” said Marlene Cambronero, Realtor Associate with Suncoast Realty Solutions.
Her colleague, Vicki Long, explained that preapproval helps to narrow down your choices. Then you can spend time looking for homes within your specific range.
“Take steps to be preapproved for a mortgage so that you will know your purchase power,” Vicki said. “Don’t set yourself up for a disappointment that could be avoided.
Buying Tip #2: Do Your Research
Research is often one of the first steps to finding a home. Many buyers start by figuring out the neighborhoods they’re interested in so they can narrow down the search.
“Buyers spend an average of six to eight weeks, according to the National Association of REALTORS, trying to figure out where they want to live,” said Realtor, Julie Starr. “But once the neighborhood is selected, most buyers end up buying a home after two or three home tours.”
Vicki recommends scoping out the area on your own first to see if it’s a good fit.
“Before you schedule an appointment to see a home, do a drive-by to make sure it’s an area that you would want to live,” Vicki said. “Be sure to consider your work commute to insure that you will have time to enjoy your home once your workday ends.”
Buying Tip #3: Take Time to Find the Right Home
“Buying a home can be an overwhelming process and emotionally draining,” Julie said. “I advise buyers to schedule a maximum of 7 homes at a time because any more than that will make a buyer's head spin.
When you do research and work with a Realtor, finding the right home will be a lot easier. But since it is a major purchase, you should take time to find what you really want.
“If you like it but don't love it, keep looking,” said Realtor, Sierra Greaney.
Selling Tip #1: Declutter Your Home
Every Realtor we talked to agreed that decluttering your home is an essential step for a successful sale.
“Declutter, declutter, declutter,” Sierra said. “Let the buyer imagine putting their own mark on the home”
Getting rid of the clutter can help get more people interested in your property.
“Open spaces are inviting and can provide a canvas for a potential buyer to envision possibilities,” Vicki said. “Since most people start by looking on the internet, a clean and clutter-free home will make our photography even better.”
If needed, it might be worth the cost to bring in a professional to declutter and stage your house before a sale to help you make more money in the long run.
“The way you live in your home and the way you sell and market your home are different things,” Julie said. “Decluttering and staging is most often less expensive than then the reduction you’ll take in price.”
Selling Tip #2: Maintain Your Property
Aside from cutting down on the clutter, it’s important to get your property into good shape and keep it that way to help your sale along.
“Maintain your property in good condition,” Marlene said. “It will sell better and in a shorter period of time.”
A well-maintained home might even help you attract better offers.
“Taking care of basic maintenance items can mean the difference between a great offer vs. a poor offer,” Sierra said.
Selling Tip #3: Price Your Home to Sell
Another helpful tip for sellers is to be strategic about the listing price.
“Price your home realistically to sell,” Vicki said. “Homes that are priced at fair market value sell in less time and will save you money in the long run.”
Biggest Tip for Buyers or Sellers Alike: Find the Right Real Estate Agent
Whether you are buying or selling, the right Realtor will make your life so much easier. They can help you find a home in your price range or help you make the most out of selling your home.
“Top ten things to do when selling your real estate. Number one, call me. I’ll handle the other nine,” Julie laughed.

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Buy and Borrow